Legendary Hero of Kosova

Legendary Hero of Kosova

A highly compressed article written over the course of 9 months about Isa Boletini, a chieftain from Kosova (Albania) by the passionate Mike Joseph, an American that currently lives and works in Albania. 

Albanians: From leaders to deportees!

Albanians: From leaders to deportees!

This story of how the Albanians in the XIX century went from rulers of Greek lands to deportees will teach you many lessons about politics, diplomacy, the way Ottoman Empire operated and how the situation in Balkans was at that time. 


50 Rare Facts on Albania's Founding Father

50 Rare Facts on Albania's Founding Father

It is said that Ismail Qemali was born on October 16, but in history textbooks, his birthday is known as January 24, precisely because his birthday coincided with that of Enver Hoxha and the latter deliberately removed that information. The dictator did the same with all the descendants of the Vloraj family, exiling them and erasing them from history. Below we are bringing 50 rare pieces of information on the father of the Albanian nation.


Teuta, The Most Powerful Queen of Antiquity

Teuta, The Most Powerful Queen of Antiquity

Illyrian Queen Teuta is one of the most extraordinary figures of Illyrian antiquity and of our Albanian heritage. With her intelligence, courage, and abilities to govern, she managed to strengthen her position in the Mediterranean region and became one of the most serious rivals of the Roman Empire. 

Some interesting facts about the Summer Day in Albania

Some interesting facts about the Summer Day in Albania

March 14 (or in Shqip “14 Mar”) is Dita e Verës -Day of Summer- a traditional Albanian celebration dating back to the Illyrians. It is a day of feasting with family, welcoming the lengthening days, coming of warm weather and return to plenty after the hard times of winter in the mountains.

Adem Jashari, the legendary

Adem Jashari, the legendary

If there is in Albanian history a hero whose legacy can be compared with Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg, that person without a doubt is Adem Jashari. The legendary commander of Kosovo Liberty Army has become the symbol of freedom and a figure of pride for all Albanians. His courage, his loyalty, and his love for the motherland became the cornerstone of Kosovo’s independence, which was to come.
The origin of Albanian months' names

The origin of Albanian months' names

In Albanian, there are two versions of month names, translated from Latin, or an archaic Albanian version. In modern Albanian, some months kept the Albanian name, while others took the Latin translation.



The Fearless Mountain Bride Who Defied Convention

The Fearless Mountain Bride Who Defied Convention

In every corner of the world, the image of a bride conjures notions of fragility, beauty, and flourishing femininity. Yet, in the rugged Albanian mountains, the term takes on a different meaning—one of strength, resilience, and untamed spirit. Enter the inspiring tale of Shote Galica, the Albanian female highlander who defied societal norms to become a legend in her own right.

Ismail Kadare: Articulating Albanian Identity

Ismail Kadare: Articulating Albanian Identity

Ismail Kadare, winner of a series of prestigious international awards celebrates his 85th birthday today. His literary creativity began in 1957, when he was just a high school student, and then did not stop evolving. He has received a host of literary awards throughout his life that only recently (2020) the Neudstadt International Prize for Literature for his work "Broken April".


The “Eagle of Epirus”

The “Eagle of Epirus”

If you're a history fan with a love for antiquity, then you probably have heard of King Pyrrhus. Nicknamed "The Eagle", he is remembered as one of the most epic and legendary kings and war generals of all time. It is safe to say that Pyrrhus had an extraordinary life and proved himself to be a great leader, even though his rise to power was not easy. 

Marigo Posio, the mother of the flag

Marigo Posio, the mother of the flag

The official Albanian version recognizes Marigo Posion as the embroiderer of the flag raised on the day of the declaration of Independence. For this, she was called the "mother of the flag". But Marigo Posio did much more than that.

Skanderbeg's Visit To Rome

Skanderbeg's Visit To Rome

A very important event that Europe "forgets" to mention and that we want to bring to your attention, happened 555 years ago. If you dig into various online articles it is said that Skanderbeg went to Rome in the years 1466-1467 but not much is said about why he went there.